too bad

from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
too bad
    adj 1: deserving regret; "regrettable remarks"; "it's
           regrettable that she didn't go to college"; "it's too bad
           he had no feeling himself for church" [syn:
           {regrettable}, {too bad}]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
82 Moby Thesaurus words for "too bad":
      abominable, arrant, atrocious, awful, base, beastly,
      beneath contempt, beneath one, blameworthy, brutal, cheap,
      contemptible, debasing, degrading, demeaning, deplorable,
      despicable, detestable, dire, disgraceful, disgusting, dreadful,
      egregious, enormous, fetid, filthy, flagrant, foul, fulsome,
      grievous, gross, gutter, hateful, heinous, horrible, horrid,
      humiliating, humiliative, infamous, infra dig, infra indignitatem,
      lamentable, loathsome, lousy, monstrous, nasty, nefarious, noisome,
      notorious, obnoxious, odious, offensive, opprobrious, outrageous,
      pitiable, pitiful, rank, regrettable, reprehensible, repulsive,
      rotten, sad, scandalous, schlock, scurvy, shabby, shameful,
      shocking, shoddy, sordid, sorry, squalid, terrible, unbecoming,
      unclean, unworthy of one, vile, villainous, woeful, worst,
      worthless, wretched


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