tired of
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
46 Moby Thesaurus words for "tired of":
allayed, blase, cloyed, crammed, disgusted, dispirited, engorged,
fed-up, full, full of, glutted, good and tired, gorged, irked,
jaded, life-weary, melancholic, melancholy, overfed, overfull,
overgorged, oversaturated, overstuffed, replete, sated, satiated,
satisfied, saturated, sick, sick of, slaked, splenetic, stuffed,
supersaturated, surfeited, tired, tired of living, tired to death,
wearied, weariful, weary, weary unto death, with a bellyful,
with a snootful, with enough of, world-weary
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