softy n 1: a person who is weak and excessively sentimental [syn: {softy}, {softie}]
softy n. [IBM] Hardware hackers' term for a software expert who is largely ignorant of the mysteries of hardware.
softy (IBM) {Hardware} hackers' term for a {software} expert who is largely ignorant of the mysteries of hardware. (1995-01-11)
26 Moby Thesaurus words for "softy": Milquetoast, baby, big baby, chicken, crybaby, doormat, dull tool, gutless wonder, invertebrate, jellyfish, lightweight, meek soul, milksop, mollycoddle, namby-pamby, nebbish, nonentity, pansy, pantywaist, pushover, sad sack, sissy, softling, sop, weak sister, weakling