Jargon File (4.4.4, 14 Aug 2003)
To read a large data file entirely into {core} before working on it.
This may be contrasted with the strategy of reading a small piece at a
time, processing it, and then reading the next piece. "This program
slurps in a 1K-by-1K matrix and does an FFT." See also {sponge}.
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
52 Moby Thesaurus words for "slurp":
aspirate, beverage, breathe in, bumper, draft, dram, draw in,
drench, drink, drinking, eating, engorgement, engulfment, gulp,
gulping, guzzle, imbibition, ingestion, ingurgitation, inhale,
inspire, lap, lap up, libation, lick, nip, peg, portion, potation,
pull, quaff, sip, slosh, smack, sniff, sniffle, snort, snuff,
snuff in, snuffle, soak up, sponge up, suck, suck in, suckle, sup,
swallow, swallowing, swig, swill, tot, wolf down
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