Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
68 Moby Thesaurus words for "scend":
be poised, billow, bore, break, breakers, chop, choppiness,
chopping sea, comb, comber, crash, dash, dirty water, eagre,
ebb and flow, flounder, gravity wave, ground swell, heave,
heavy sea, heavy swell, hobbyhorse, lift, lop, lurch,
make heavy weather, peak, pitch, pitch and toss, plunge, popple,
pound, rear, reel, riffle, ripple, rise, rise and fall, rock, roll,
roller, rough water, sea, send, smash, surf, surge, sway, swell,
swing, tidal bore, tidal wave, tide wave, toss, toss and tumble,
trough, tsunami, tumble, undulate, undulation, wallow, water wave,
wave, wavelet, welter, white horses, whitecaps, yaw
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