Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
81 Moby Thesaurus words for "recumbent":
accumbent, aslant, aslope, atilt, bevel, beveled, bias, biased,
canting, careening, couchant, couche, crawling, crouched, debased,
decumbent, depressed, draped, flat, groveling, horizontal,
inclinational, inclinatory, inclined, inclining, knee-high,
knocked flat, laid low, leaning, listing, lolling, lounging, low,
low-built, low-hung, low-level, low-leveled, low-lying, low-set,
low-statured, lying, lying down, neap, out of plumb, out of square,
pitched, procumbent, prone, prostrate, raking, reclining, reposing,
resupine, runty, shelving, shelvy, short, sideling, sidelong,
slant, slanted, slanting, slantways, slantwise, sloped, sloping,
sprawled, sprawling, spread, squat, squatty, stooped,
stretched out, stumpy, supine, tilted, tilting, tipped, tipping,
tipsy, unelevated
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