Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
57 Moby Thesaurus words for "prosaicism":
aridity, aridness, banality, barrenness, bromide, chestnut, cliche,
commonness, commonplace, commonplace expression, commonplaceness,
corn, dearth of ideas, dryness, dullness, familiar tune, flatness,
hackneyed saying, infecundity, infertility, insipidness,
lieu commun, locus communis, matter of fact, matter-of-factness,
old joke, old saw, old song, old story, plainness, platitude,
prosaicness, prosaism, prose, prosiness, reiteration, retold story,
rubber stamp, shibboleth, staidness, stereotyped saying, stolidity,
stuffiness, tag, trite saying, triticism, truism, twice-told tale,
uncreativeness, unembellishedness, unfancifulness, unidealism,
unimaginativeness, unoriginality, unpoeticalness, unromanticism,
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