WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
adj 1: capable of being perceived by the mind or senses; "a
perceptible limp"; "easily perceptible sounds";
"perceptible changes in behavior" [ant: {imperceptible},
2: easily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind; "a
perceptible sense of expectation in the court"
3: easily seen or detected; "a detectable note of sarcasm"; "he
continued after a perceptible pause" [syn: {detectable},
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
84 Moby Thesaurus words for "perceptible":
apparent, appraisable, appreciable, apprehensible, ascertainable,
assessable, beholdable, calculable, clear, clear as crystal,
cognizable, comprehensible, computable, conceivable, crystal-clear,
detectable, determinable, discernible, disclosed, discoverable,
distinct, distinguishable, estimable, evident, explicit, exposed,
exposed to view, express, fathomable, gaugeable, graspable,
hanging out, in evidence, in full view, in plain sight, in view,
indisputable, indubitable, insight, knowable, manifest, measurable,
mensurable, meterable, naked, notable, noticeable, numerable,
observable, obvious, open, open to view, open-and-shut,
outcropping, palpable, patent, perceivable, perspicuous, plain,
plain as day, prehensible, prominent, quantifiable, quantizable,
recognizable, revealed, seeable, seizable, self-evident,
self-explaining, self-explanatory, showing, tangible, to be seen,
unclouded, unconcealed, understandable, undisguised, unhidden,
unmistakable, viewable, visible, visual, witnessable
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