Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
65 Moby Thesaurus words for "pending":
at issue, awaiting, beetle, beetle-browed, beetling, cascading,
conditional, conditioned, contingent, dangling, dependent,
depending, depending on, durante, during, falling, falling loosely,
flowing, forthcoming, hanging, hung, imminent, impendent,
impending, in abeyance, in question, in suspense, in the balance,
in the offing, inconclusive, incumbent, jutting, lowering, open,
over, overhanging, overhung, pendent, pendulant, pendular,
penduline, pendulous, pensile, projecting, superincumbent,
suspended, suspenseful, swinging, through, throughout, till,
unconfirmed, uncounted, undecided, undetermined, unestablished,
unfinished, unfixed, unsettled, until, untold, up for grabs,
waiting for, weeping, while
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