pass by

from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
pass by
    v 1: move past; "A black limousine passed by when she looked out
         the window"; "He passed his professor in the hall"; "One
         line of soldiers surpassed the other" [syn: {travel by},
         {pass by}, {surpass}, {go past}, {go by}, {pass}]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
110 Moby Thesaurus words for "pass by":
      abjure, advance, be blind to, be caught out, be inattentive,
      be unwary, bestride, blink at, brush aside, bypass, chuck,
      chuck out, connive at, contemn, continue, contradict, cross, cut,
      cut dead, decline, deny, despise, disapprove, discard, disclaim,
      discount, disdain, dismiss, disown, disregard, elapse, endure,
      except, exclude, expire, fail, flit, flow, flow on, fly, ford,
      forget, forswear, get ahead of, give no heed, give the go-by,
      glide, go across, go by, go on, hear nothing, ignore, lapse, last,
      let pass, look right through, make light of, make little of, miss,
      neglect, not attend, not heed, not listen, not notice, omit,
      overlook, overpass, overstride, pass, pass over, pass up,
      pay no attention, pay no mind, pooh-pooh, press on, proceed,
      push aside, rebuff, recant, refuse, refuse to acknowledge,
      refuse to consider, refuse to recognize, reject, renounce, repel,
      repudiate, repulse, roll on, run, run its course, run on, run out,
      scout, see nothing, shoot ahead of, shove away, slide, slight,
      slip, spurn, step over, straddle, think little of, throw away,
      throw out, turn away, turn out, waive, wink at


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