Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
87 Moby Thesaurus words for "palsied":
allergic, anemic, anile, apoplectic, arthritic, aspen, bilious,
cancerous, chattering, chlorotic, colicky, consumptive, crabbed,
debilitated, decrepit, doddered, doddering, doddery, dropsical,
dyspeptic, edematous, encephalitic, epileptic, feeble, fossilized,
gerontal, gerontic, infirm, laryngitic, leprous, luetic, malarial,
malignant, measly, mossbacked, moth-eaten, mummylike, nephritic,
neuralgic, neuritic, papery-skinned, paralytic, phthisic,
pleuritic, pneumonic, pocky, podagric, quaking, quavering, quavery,
quivering, quivery, rachitic, ravaged with age, rheumatic, rickety,
run to seed, rusty, scorbutic, scrofulous, senile, shaking, shaky,
shivering, shivery, shriveled, shuddering, stricken in years,
succussatory, succussive, tabetic, tabid, timeworn, tottering,
tottery, trembling, trembly, tremulous, tubercular, tuberculous,
tumorigenic, tumorous, vibrating, weak, withered, wizened,
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