WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
adj 1: of an angle; between 90 and 180 degrees [ant: {acute}]
2: (of a leaf shape) rounded at the apex
3: lacking in insight or discernment; "too obtuse to grasp the
implications of his behavior"; "a purblind oligarchy that
flatly refused to see that history was condemning it to the
dustbin"- Jasper Griffin [syn: {obtuse}, {purblind}]
4: slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity; "so
dense he never understands anything I say to him"; "never met
anyone quite so dim"; "although dull at classical learning,
at mathematics he was uncommonly quick"- Thackeray; "dumb
officials make some really dumb decisions"; "he was either
normally stupid or being deliberately obtuse"; "worked with
the slow students" [syn: {dense}, {dim}, {dull}, {dumb},
{obtuse}, {slow}]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Obtuse \Ob*tuse"\ a. [Compar. {Obtuser}; superl. {Obtusest}.]
[L. obtusus, p. p. of obtundere to blunt: cf. F. obtus. See
1. Not pointed or acute; blunt; -- applied esp. to angles
greater than a right angle, or containing more than ninety
[1913 Webster]
2. Not having acute sensibility or perceptions; not alert,
especially to the feelings of others; dull; stupid; as,
obtuse senses. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]
3. Dull; deadened; as, obtuse sound. --Johnson.
[1913 Webster] Obtuse-angled
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
118 Moby Thesaurus words for "obtuse":
abrupt, affectless, anesthetized, arctic, asleep, autistic,
benumbed, bluff, blunt, blunt-edged, blunt-ended, blunt-pointed,
blunt-witted, blunted, bluntish, boneheaded, callous, catatonic,
chill, chilly, cloddish, cold, cold as charity, cold-blooded,
coldhearted, cool, dead, deadened, dense, dim, dim-witted,
dispassionate, doltish, dopey, drugged, dull, dull of mind,
dull-edged, dull-headed, dull-pated, dull-pointed, dull-witted,
dulled, dullish, edgeless, emotionally dead, emotionless, faired,
fat-witted, frigid, frosted, frosty, frozen, gross-headed,
heartless, heavy, hebetudinous, icy, immovable, impassible,
impassive, imperceptive, impercipient, inexcitable, insensate,
insensible, insensitive, insentient, insusceptible, loutish,
lumpish, mentally retarded, nonemotional, numb, numbed, oafish,
obdurate, objective, out of touch, passionless, pointless, rounded,
self-absorbed, simple, slow, slow-witted, sluggish, smoothed,
soulless, spiritless, stolid, thick, thick-brained, thick-headed,
thick-pated, thick-skinned, thick-witted, thickheaded,
thickskulled, unaffectionate, unedged, unemotional, unfeeling,
unfelt, unimpassioned, unimpressionable, unloving, unpassionate,
unperceptive, unpointed, unresponding, unresponsive, unsharp,
unsharpened, unsusceptible, unsympathetic, untouchable, wooden
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