nose ring
WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
nose ring
n 1: a ring worn on the nose as an ornament or on the nose of an
animal to control it
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
53 Moby Thesaurus words for "nose ring":
anklet, armlet, band, bangle, beads, belt, bijou, bracelet,
breastpin, brooch, chain, chaplet, charm, chatelaine, cincture,
cingulum, circle, collar, collarband, coronet, crown, diadem,
earring, ecliptic, equator, fascia, fillet, finger ring, fob, gem,
girdle, girt, girth, great circle, hoop, jewel, locket, neckband,
necklace, pin, precious stone, quoit, rhinestone, ring, stickpin,
stone, tiara, torque, wampum, wristband, wristlet, zodiac, zone
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