WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
v 1: become normal or return to its normal state; "Let us hope
that relations with this country will normalize soon" [syn:
{normalize}, {normalise}]
2: make normal or cause to conform to a norm or standard;
"normalize relations with China"; "normalize the
temperature"; "normalize the spelling" [syn: {normalize},
{normalise}, {renormalize}, {renormalise}]
3: bring to a desired consistency, texture, or hardness by a
process of gradually heating and cooling; "temper glass"
[syn: {anneal}, {temper}, {normalize}]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
normalize \normalize\ v.
1. To make normal; as, to normalize relations with China.
Syn: renormalize.
[WordNet 1.5]
2. To make standard; determine the value by comparison to an
item of known standard value; as, The test results were
normalized for changes in the number of questions before
comparison with the previous year's values.
Syn: standardize.
3. To convert to a standard form or measure; adjust the value
or values so as to conform to a standard measure or
pattern; as, The probabilities were normalized to add up
to 1.00.
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
55 Moby Thesaurus words for "normalize":
adjust, arrange, array, assimilate to, balance, chart, codify,
conform, control, cool off, coordinate, damp, deploy, dispose,
equalize, equilibrize, even, fix, flatten, form, formalize, grade,
harmonize, hierarchize, homogenize, lay out, level, line up,
make uniform, marshal, methodize, order, organize, pacify, plan,
quiet, rank, rationalize, regularize, regulate, routinize, set up,
settle, smooth, stabilize, standardize, stereotype, structure,
symmetrize, synchronize, systematize, tranquilize, tune, tune up,
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