make a deal
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
61 Moby Thesaurus words for "make a deal":
accommodate, adjust, agree, agree to, bargain, bargain for,
be a bargain, be a deal, be a go, be on, buy, buy back, buy in,
buy into, buy off, buy on credit, buy up, come to terms, compact,
complete a purchase, compose, compound, compromise, contract,
cop out, corner, covenant, do a deal, duck responsibility, engage,
engross, evade responsibility, give and take, give way,
go fifty-fifty, make a bargain, make a buy, make a dicker,
make an adjustment, make concessions, meet halfway, monopolize,
play politics, procure, promise, purchase, reach a compromise,
rebuy, regrate, repurchase, settle, shake hands, shake on it,
split the difference, stipulate, strike a balance,
strike a bargain, surrender, take the mean, undertake, yield
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