WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: activity involved in maintaining something in good working
order; "he wrote the manual on car care" [syn: {care},
{maintenance}, {upkeep}]
2: means of maintenance of a family or group
3: court-ordered support paid by one spouse to another after
they are separated [syn: {alimony}, {maintenance}]
4: the act of sustaining life by food or providing a means of
subsistence; "they were in want of sustenance"; "fishing was
their main sustainment" [syn: {sustenance}, {sustentation},
{sustainment}, {maintenance}, {upkeep}]
5: the unauthorized interference in a legal action by a person
having no interest in it (as by helping one party with money
or otherwise to continue the action) so as to obstruct
justice or promote unnecessary litigation or unsettle the
peace of the community; "unlike champerty, criminal
maintenance does not necessarily involve personal profit"
[syn: {maintenance}, {criminal maintenance}]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Maintenance \Main"te*nance\, n. [OF. maintenance. See
1. The act of maintaining; sustenance; support; defense;
[1913 Webster]
Whatsoever is granted to the church for God's honor
and the maintenance of his service, is granted to
God. --South.
[1913 Webster]
2. That which maintains or supports; means of sustenance;
supply of necessaries and conveniences.
[1913 Webster]
Those of better fortune not making learning their
maintenance. --Swift.
[1913 Webster]
3. (Crim. Law) An officious or unlawful intermeddling in a
cause depending between others, by assisting either party
with money or means to carry it on. See {Champerty}.
[1913 Webster]
4. Those actions required for the care of machinery, a
building, etc., to keep it clean and in proper functioning
condition, and to prevent or forestall damage due to
normal use.
5. Payments, such as child support or alimony, to a dependent
child not living with one or to a divorced wife.
{Cap of maintenance}. See under {Cap}.
[1913 Webster]
Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
MAINTENANCE, quasi contracts. The support which one person, who is bound by
law to do so, gives to another for his living; for example, a father is
bound to find maintenance for his children; and a child is required by law
to maintain his father or mother when they cannot support themselves, and he
has ability to maintain them. 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 284-6.
Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
MAINTENANCE, crimes. A malicious, or at least, officious interference in a
suit in which the offender has no interest, to assist one of the parties to
it against the other, with money or advice to prosecute or defend the
action, without any authority of law. 1 Russ. Cr. 176.
2. But there are many acts in the nature of maintenance, which become
justifiable from the circumstances under which they are done. They may be
justified, 1. Because the party has an interest in the thing in variance; as
when he has a bare contingency in the lands in question, which possibly may
never come in esse. Bac. Ab. h.t. 2. Because the party is of kindred or
affinity, as father, son, or heir apparent, or husband or wife. 3. Because
the relation of landlord and tenant or master and servant subsists between
the party to the suit and the person who assists him. 4. Because the money
is given out of charity. 1 Bailey, S. C. Rep. 401. 5. Because the person
assisting the party to the suit is an attorney or counsellor: the assistance
to be rendered must, however, be strictly professional, for a lawyer is not
more justified in giving his client money than another man. 1 Russ. Cr. 179.
Bac. Ab Maintenance: Bro. Maintenance. This offence is punishable by fine
and imprisonment. 4 Black Com. 124; 2 Swift's Dig. 328; Bac. Ab. h.t. Vide 3
Hawks, 86; 1 Greenl. 292; 11 Mass. 553, 6 Mass. 421; 5 Pick. 359; 5 Monr.
413; 6 Cowen, 431; 4 Wend. 806; 14 John. R. 124; 3 Cowen, 647; 3 John. Ch.
R. 508 7 D. & R. 846; 5 B. & C. 188.
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
128 Moby Thesaurus words for "maintenance":
TLC, abidingness, age, aid, alimentation, alimony, allowance,
antiquity, backing, bottling up, bread, care, carriage, carrying,
conservancy, conservation, conservationism, constancy,
continualness, continuance, continuation, continuity, contribution,
corking up, daily bread, defeat of time, defiance of time,
diuturnity, durability, durableness, duration, economic support,
endowment, endurance, environmental conservation, extension,
forest conservation, forest management, holding, holding in,
inhibition, keep, keeping, lastingness, lengthening, livelihood,
living, locking in, long standing, long-lastingness,
long-livedness, longevity, maintaining, manna, meat, moral support,
mothering, nourishment, nurture, paying the bills, perdurability,
perennation, permanence, perpetuation, perpetuity, perseverance,
persistence, prehension, preserval, preservation, price support,
progress, progression, prolongation, protection, protraction,
provision, psychological support, pursuance, reliance, repetition,
repression, retainment, retention, retentiveness, retentivity, run,
safekeeping, salt, salvage, salvation, saving, security blanket,
soil conservation, stability, standing, standing treat,
staying power, steadfastness, stipend, straight course,
stream conservation, subsidization, subsidy, subsistence,
subvention, support, supportive relationship, supportive therapy,
suppression, survival, survivance, sustained action, sustaining,
sustainment, sustenance, sustentation, tenacity,
tender loving care, treat, uninterrupted course, unremittingness,
upholding, upkeep, water conservation, way, wetlands conservation,
wildlife conservation
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