WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
adj 1: having words written out in full by hand; "longhand
n 1: rapid handwriting in which letters are set down in full and
are cursively connected within words without lifting the
writing implement from the paper [syn: {longhand}, {running
hand}, {cursive}, {cursive script}]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
46 Moby Thesaurus words for "longhand":
Italian hand, Spencerian writing, autograph, autographic,
block letter, bold hand, book hand, calligraphic, chancery hand,
chirographic, copperplate hand, cursive, cursive hand, engrossed,
flowing, graphic, graphoanalytic, graphologic, graphometric,
holograph, holographic, in longhand, in shorthand, in writing,
inscribed, italic, italicized, law hand, lettering,
majuscule script, manuscript, minuscule script, on paper, penciled,
penned, printed, printing, round hand, running, scriptorial,
scriptural, shorthand, stylographic, text hand, uncial, written
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