The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Liturgy \Lit"ur*gy\ (l[i^]t"[u^]r*j[y^]), n.; pl. {Liturgies}
(l[i^]t"[u^]r*j[i^]z). [F. liturgie, LL. liturgia, Gr.
leitoyrgi`a a public service, the public service of God,
public worship; (assumed) le`i:tos, lei^tos, belonging to the
people, public (fr. lao`s, lew`s, the people) + the root of
'e`rgon work. See {Lay}, a., and {Work}.]
An established formula for public worship, or the entire
ritual for public worship in a church which uses prescribed
forms; a formulary for public prayer or devotion. In the
Roman Catholic Church it includes all forms and services in
any language, in any part of the world, for the celebration
of Mass.
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
83 Moby Thesaurus words for "liturgy":
Mass, baccalaureate service, bedtime prayer, camp meeting,
celebration, ceremonial, ceremony, church, church service,
commencement, compline, convocation, devotions, divine service,
duty, empty formality, evening devotions, evensong, exercise,
exercises, form, form of worship, formal, formality, formula,
formulary, function, graduation, graduation exercises, holy rite,
inaugural, inauguration, initiation, institution, lauds, matins,
meeting, mode of worship, morning devotions, mummery, mystery,
night song, none, nones, novena, observance, office,
order of worship, ordinance, performance, practice, praise meeting,
prayer, prayer meeting, prayers, prescribed form, prime,
prime song, public worship, religious ceremony, revival,
revival meeting, rite, rite de passage, rite of passage, ritual,
ritual observance, rituality, sacrament, sacramental, service,
sext, solemnity, solemnization, tent meeting, tierce, undersong,
vesper, vespers, vigils, watch meeting, watch night,
watch-night service
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