Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
55 Moby Thesaurus words for "judiciously":
artfully, astutely, calmly, cannily, carefully, cautiously,
circumspectly, cleverly, composedly, conservatively, considerately,
coolly, cunningly, discerningly, discreetly, dispassionately, easy,
equably, evenly, gingerly, guardedly, heedfully, in balance,
in moderation, in reason, intelligently, knowingly, mindfully,
moderately, pawkily, providently, prudently, rationally,
reasonably, regardfully, restrainedly, sagaciously, sensibly,
serenely, shrewdly, smartly, soberly, soothingly, steadily,
subduedly, temperately, thoughtfully, tranquilly, understandingly,
wisely, with care, with caution, within bounds, within compass,
within reason
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