WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: a sharp hand gesture (resembling a blow); "he warned me
with a jab with his finger"; "he made a thrusting motion
with his fist" [syn: {jab}, {jabbing}, {poke}, {poking},
{thrust}, {thrusting}]
2: a quick short straight punch
3: the act of touching someone suddenly with your finger or
elbow; "she gave me a sharp dig in the ribs" [syn: {dig},
v 1: poke or thrust abruptly; "he jabbed his finger into her
ribs" [syn: {jab}, {prod}, {stab}, {poke}, {dig}]
2: strike or punch with quick and short blows
3: stab or pierce; "he jabbed the piece of meat with his pocket
knife" [syn: {stab}, {jab}]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
161 Moby Thesaurus words for "jab":
Parthian shot, assault, back answer, bang, barrack, bash, bat,
bear, bear upon, bearing, beating, belt, biff, blow, bonk, boost,
buck, bull, bulldoze, bump, bump against, bunt, butt, butt against,
caustic remark, chaff, chop, clap, clip, clobber, clout, clump,
coldcock, comeback, crack, cram, crowd, cut, cut at,
cutting remark, dash, deal, deal a blow, deck, dig, dig at, dint,
drive, drub, drubbing, drumming, dump, dump on, elbow, feint,
fetch, fetch a blow, fleer, flout, foolery, force, fusillade, gibe,
gibing retort, goad, head, hit, hit a clip, home thrust, hurtle,
hustle, jab at, jam, jape, jeer, jest, jog, joggle, jolt, jostle,
knock, knock cold, knock down, knock out, leg-pull, let have it,
lick, lunge, mock, nudge, parting shot, pass, paste, pelt,
pile drive, plunk, poke, pooh, pooh-pooh, pound, press, pressure,
prod, punch, push, put down, put-down, put-on, quip, rail at,
rally, ram, ram down, rank out, rap, rattle, revile, rude reproach,
run, run against, scoff, scout, scurrility, shake, short answer,
shoulder, shove, slam, slap, slap at, slog, slug, smack, smash,
smite, snap, sneer, sneer at, soak, sock, stab, stress, strike,
strike at, stroke, swat, swing, swipe, tamp, tattoo, taunt, thrust,
thump, thwack, twit, verbal thrust, wallop, whack, wham, whop,
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