industrial school
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Industrial \In*dus"tri*al\, a. [Cf. F. industriel, LL.
industrialis. See {Industry}.]
Consisting in industry; pertaining to industry, or the arts
and products of industry; concerning those employed in labor,
especially in manual labor, and their wages, duties, and
[1913 Webster]
The great ideas of industrial development and economic
social amelioration. --M. Arnold.
[1913 Webster]
{Industrial exhibition}, a public exhibition of the various
industrial products of a country, or of various countries.
{Industrial school}, a school for teaching one or more
branches of industry; also, a school for educating
neglected children, and training them to habits of
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
56 Moby Thesaurus words for "industrial school":
POW camp, bastille, black hole, borstal, borstal institution,
borstal school, bridewell, brig, business college, cell,
commercial school, concentration camp, condemned cell, death cell,
death house, death row, detention camp, federal prison,
forced-labor camp, gaol, guardhouse, house of correction,
house of detention, internment camp, jail, jailhouse, keep,
labor camp, lockup, manual arts school, maximum-security prison,
minimum-security prison, occupational school, oubliette, pen,
penal colony, penal institution, penal settlement, penitentiary,
polytechnic, polytechnic school, prison, prison camp, prisonhouse,
reform school, reformatory, remand school, sponging house,
state prison, stockade, technical training institute,
technological school, the hole, tollbooth, training school,
vocational school
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