WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: an expression of agreement that is not supported by real
conviction [syn: {hypocrisy}, {lip service}]
2: insincerity by virtue of pretending to have qualities or
beliefs that you do not really have
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Hypocrisy \Hy*poc"ri*sy\ (h[i^]*p[o^]k"r[i^]*s[y^]), n.; pl.
{Hypocrisies} (-s[i^]z). [OE. hypocrisie, ypocrisie, OF.
hypocrisie, ypocrisie, F. hypocrisie, L. hypocrisis, fr. Gr.
"ypo`krisis the playing a part on the stage, simulation,
outward show, fr. "ypokr`nesqai to answer on the stage, to
play a part; "ypo` under + kri`nein to decide; in the middle
voice, to dispute, contend. See {Hypo-}, and {Critic}.]
The act or practice of a hypocrite; a feigning to be what one
is not, or to feel what one does not feel; a dissimulation,
or a concealment of one's real character, disposition, or
motives; especially, the assuming of false appearance of
virtue or religion; a simulation of goodness.
[1913 Webster]
Hypocrisy is the necessary burden of villainy.
[1913 Webster]
Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue. --La
(Trans. ).
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
90 Moby Thesaurus words for "hypocrisy":
Pecksniffery, Pharisaism, Tartuffery, Tartuffism, affectation,
affectedness, airs, airs and graces, artfulness, artificiality,
cant, casuistry, charlatanism, charlatanry, chicanery, craft,
cunning, deceit, deceitfulness, deception, double-dealing,
duplicity, empty gesture, facade, fakery, false front, false piety,
false show, falseheartedness, falseness, feigned belief, front,
furtiveness, glibness, goody-goodiness, guile, humbug,
hypocriticalness, image, indirection, insidiousness, insincerity,
lip service, lying, mannerism, mealymouthedness, mendacity,
mere show, mouthing, mummery, oiliness, ostentatious devotion,
pecksniffery, pharisaicalness, pharisaism, pietism,
pietisticalness, piety, piousness, pretense, pretension,
prunes and prisms, public image, put-on, putting on airs, quackery,
religionism, religiosity, sanctimoniousness, sanctimony,
self-righteousness, sham, shiftiness, show, sneak attack,
sneakiness, snivel, snuffle, snuffling, soft soap, stylishness,
surreptitiousness, sweet talk, tokenism, treacherousness,
two-facedness, unction, unctuousness, underhandedness,
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