
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    n 1: a physiological need for food; the consequence of food
         deprivation [syn: {hunger}, {hungriness}]
    2: strong desire for something (not food or drink); "a thirst
       for knowledge"; "hunger for affection" [syn: {hunger},
       {hungriness}, {thirst}, {thirstiness}]
    v 1: feel the need to eat
    2: have a craving, appetite, or great desire for [syn: {crave},
       {hunger}, {thirst}, {starve}, {lust}]
    3: be hungry; go without food; "Let's eat--I'm starving!" [syn:
       {starve}, {hunger}, {famish}] [ant: {be full}]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Hunger \Hun"ger\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Hungered}; p. pr. & vb.
   n. {Hungering}.] [OE. hungren, AS. hyngrian. See {Hunger},
   1. To feel the craving or uneasiness occasioned by want of
      food; to be oppressed by hunger.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. To have an eager desire; to long.
      [1913 Webster]

            Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after
            righteouness.                         --Matt. v. 6.
      [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Hunger \Hun"ger\, n. [AS. hungor; akin to OFries. hunger, D.
   honger, OS. & OHG. hungar, G. hunger, Icel. hungr, Sw. & Dan.
   hunger, Goth. h?hrus hunger, huggrjan to hunger.]
   1. An uneasy sensation occasioned normally by the want of
      food; a craving or desire for food.
      [1913 Webster]

   Note: The sensation of hunger is usually referred to the
         stomach, but is probably dependent on excitation of the
         sensory nerves, both of the stomach and intestines, and
         perhaps also on indirect impressions from other organs,
         more or less exhausted from lack of nutriment.
         [1913 Webster]

   2. Any strong eager desire.
      [1913 Webster]

            O sacred hunger of ambitious minds!   --Spenser.
      [1913 Webster]

            For hunger of my gold I die.          --Dryden.
      [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Hunger \Hun"ger\, v. t.
   To make hungry; to famish. Hunger-bit
from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
HUNGER. The desire for taking food. Hunger is no excuse for larceny. 1 Hale, 
P. C. 54; 4 Bl. Com. 31. But it is a matter which applies itself strongly to 
the consciences of the judges in mitigation of the punishment. 
     2. When a person has died, and it is suspected he has been starved to 
death, an examination of his body ought to be made, to ascertain whether or 
not he died of hunger. The signs which usually attend death from hunger are 
the following: The body is much emaciated, and a foetid, acrid odor exhales 
from it, although death may have been very recent. The eyes are red and 
open, which is not usual in other causes of death. The tongue and throat are 
dry, even to aridity, and the stomach and intestines are contracted and 
empty. The gall bladder is pressed with bile, and this fluid is found 
scattered over the stomach and intestines, so as to tinge them very 
extensively. The lungs are withered, but all the other organs are generally 
in a healthy state. The blood vessels are usually empty. Foder�, tom. ii. p. 
276, tom. iii. p. 231; 2 Beck's Med. Jur. 52; see Eunom. Dial. 2, Sec. 47, 
p. 142, and the note at p. 384. 
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
122 Moby Thesaurus words for "hunger":
      ache, an universal wolf, appetence, appetency, appetite,
      appetition, aspire after, be ravenous, break bread,
      canine appetite, cannibalism, carnivorism, carnivority,
      carnivorousness, chewing, consumption, count calories, covet,
      coveting, crave, crave after, craving, crawl after, cropping,
      cupidity, deglutition, desire, devouring, devourment, diet,
      dieting, dining, drought, dryness, eat, eating, emptiness,
      empty stomach, epulation, eye hungrily, fall to, famine, fare,
      feasting, feed, feeding, feel hungry, gluttony, gobbling, grazing,
      hanker, hanker after, hankering, have a tapeworm, herbivorism,
      herbivority, herbivorousness, hollow hunger, hunger after,
      hunger for, hungriness, ingestion, itch, itching, licking, longing,
      lust, lust after, manducation, mania, mastication, messing,
      munching, nibbling, nutrition, omnivorism, omnivorousness,
      omophagy, pant after, pantophagy, partake, partake of, pasture,
      pasturing, pecking, pine, pitch in, polydipsia, prurience,
      pruriency, raven, ravenousness, regalement, relish, relishing,
      rumination, run mad after, savor, savoring, sexual desire, sigh,
      starvation, starve, stomach, sweet tooth, take, tapeworm, taste,
      tasting, thirst, thirst after, thirst for, thirstiness,
      torment of Tantalus, vegetarianism, voraciousness, voracity, want,
      wolfing, yearn, yearning, yen


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