
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    n 1: kindness in welcoming guests or strangers [syn: {cordial
         reception}, {hospitality}] [ant: {inhospitality}]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Hospitality \Hos`pi*tal"i*ty\, n.; pl. {Hospitalities}. [L.
   hospitalitas: cf. F. hospitalit['e].]
   The act or practice of one who is hospitable; reception and
   entertainment of strangers or guests without reward, or with
   kind and generous liberality.
   [1913 Webster]

         Given to hospitality.                    --Rom. xii.
   [1913 Webster]

         And little recks to find the way to heaven
         By doing deeds of hospitality.           --Shak.
   [1913 Webster]
from The Devil's Dictionary (1881-1906)
HOSPITALITY, n.  The virtue which induces us to feed and lodge certain
persons who are not in need of food and lodging.
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
100 Moby Thesaurus words for "hospitality":
      admissibility, affability, amiability, amicability, ardency,
      assembly-line housing, bigheartedness, billeting, bonhomie,
      bounteousness, bountifulness, bounty, civility, clubbability,
      clubbishness, clubbism, commodiousness, communicativeness,
      companionability, compatibility, congeniality, convenience,
      cordiality, courteousness, courtesy, coziness, cushioniness,
      domiciliation, doss, easiness, easy purse strings, familiarity,
      fondness for society, free hand, freedom, freehandedness,
      freeheartedness, freeness, friendliness, generosity, generousness,
      geniality, givingness, graciousness, great heart, greatheartedness,
      gregariousness, heartiness, homelikeness, homeliness, homeyness,
      housing, housing bill, housing development, housing problem,
      intimacy, invitingness, largeheartedness, largeness, largess,
      liberality, liberalness, living quarters, lodging, lodgment,
      lower-income housing, luxuriousness, magnanimity, munificence,
      open hand, open heart, openhandedness, openheartedness, openness,
      peace, peacefulness, quartering, receptiveness, receptivity,
      recipience, reposefulness, restfulness, roominess, slum clearance,
      snugness, sociability, sociableness, social grace, sociality,
      softness, subdivision, tract, transient lodging, unselfishness,
      urban renewal, urbanity, warmheartedness, warmness, warmth,


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