harelip n 1: a congenital cleft in the middle of the upper lip [syn: {cleft lip}, {harelip}, {cheiloschisis}]
Harelip \Hare"lip`\ (h[^a]r"l[i^]p`), n. A lip, commonly the upper one, having a fissure of perpendicular division like that of a hare. -- {Hare"lipped`} (-l[i^]pt`), a. [1913 Webster]
30 Moby Thesaurus words for "harelip": bowlegs, camelback, cleft palate, clubfoot, crookback, defacement, deformation, deformity, disfigurement, flatfoot, freakishness, humpback, hunchback, knock-knee, kyphosis, lordosis, malconformation, malformation, misproportion, misshape, monstrosity, mutilation, splayfoot, swayback, talipes, teratology, torticollis, truncation, valgus, wryneck