hardworking adj 1: characterized by hard work and perseverance [syn: {hardworking}, {industrious}, {tireless}, {untiring}]
hardworking \hard"work`ing\ adj. 1. habitually working diligently and for long hours. Syn: industrious, tireless, untiring. [WordNet 1.5]
37 Moby Thesaurus words for "hardworking": ardent, assiduous, diligent, drudging, energetic, fervent, grinding, grubbing, hard, indefatigable, industrious, laboring, laborious, never idle, pegging, plodding, plugging, relentless, sedulous, slaving, sleepless, slogging, straining, strenuous, striving, struggling, sweating, tireless, toiling, unflagging, unremitting, unsleeping, unsparing, unwearied, vehement, working, zealous