Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
77 Moby Thesaurus words for "haphazardly":
about, aimlessly, airily, any old way, any which way, anyhow,
at haphazard, at hazard, at intervals, at random, brokenly,
bunglingly, by catches, by chance, by fits, by jerks, by skips,
by snatches, capriciously, carelessly, casually, clumsily,
cursorily, desultorily, disconnectedly, discontinuously,
disregardfully, dysteleologically, erratically, fitfully,
forgetfully, heedlessly, helter-skelter, here and there,
hit and miss, hit or miss, in snatches, in spots, inattentively,
inconsiderately, indiscriminately, inexplicably, infrequently,
intermittently, irregularly, messily, occasionally, offhand,
offhandedly, once over lightly, per saltum, perfunctorily,
promiscuously, purposelessly, randomly, recklessly, regardlessly,
skippingly, slapdash, sloppily, spasmodically, sporadically,
stochastically, tactlessly, thoughtlessly, unaccountably,
unguardedly, unheedfully, unheedingly, unmethodically, unmindfully,
unsolicitously, unsystematically, unthinkingly, unvigilantly,
unwarily, willy-nilly
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