The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Ham \Ham\ (h[a^]m), n. [AS. ham; akin to D. ham, dial. G. hamme,
OHG. hamma. Perh. named from the bend at the ham, and akin to
E. chamber. Cf. {Gammon} ham.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Anat.) The region back of the knee joint; the popliteal
space; the hock.
[1913 Webster]
2. The thigh of any animal; especially, the thigh of a hog
cured by salting and smoking.
[1913 Webster]
A plentiful lack of wit, together with most weak
hams. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary
warm, hot, and hence the south; also an Egyptian word meaning
"black", the youngest son of Noah (Gen. 5:32; comp. 9:22,24).
The curse pronounced by Noah against Ham, properly against
Canaan his fourth son, was accomplished when the Jews
subsequently exterminated the Canaanites.
One of the most important facts recorded in Gen. 10 is the
foundation of the earliest monarchy in Babylonia by Nimrod the
grandson of Ham (6, 8, 10). The primitive Babylonian empire was
thus Hamitic, and of a cognate race with the primitive
inhabitants of Arabia and of Ethiopia. (See {ACCAD}.)
The race of Ham were the most energetic of all the descendants
of Noah in the early times of the post-diluvian world.
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
156 Moby Thesaurus words for "ham":
ARRL, acting, actor-proof, all-star, amateur radio operator, ankle,
bacon, ballet, balletic, bayonet legs, be theatrical, bowlegs,
buffoonery, business, butt, calf, characterization, chitterlings,
cinematic, cinematographic, cnemis, cochon de lait,
control engineer, country town, cracklings, crossroads, declaim,
dramatic, dramatical, dramaturgic, drumstick, emote, emotionalize,
fat back, film, filmic, flitch, foreleg, gag, gamb, gambrel,
gammon, gigot, grimace, grimacer, gush, ham actor, ham it up,
ham steak, hamlet, hammy, hammy acting, haslet, headcheese,
hind leg, histrionic, hock, hoke, hokum, impersonation, jamb,
jambon, jambonneau, knee, lard, leg, legitimate, limb,
make a scene, melodramatic, milked, mimesis, mimicking, mimicry,
miming, mixer, monitor, monodramatic, movie, mug, mummery,
operatic, out-herod Herod, overact, overacted, overacting,
overdramatize, overplayed, pantomiming, patter, performance,
performing, personation, picnic ham, pieds de cochon, pig,
playacting, playing, podite, popliteal space, pork, porkpie,
portrayal, projection, radio electrician, radio engineer,
radio operator, radio technician, radioman, radiotelegrapher,
radiotrician, rant, representation, roar, salt pork, scenic,
scissor-legs, sentimentalize, shank, shin, side of bacon,
slapstick, slobber over, slop over, small ham, sowbelly,
spectacular, spout, stage business, stage directions,
stage presence, stagelike, stageworthy, stagy, starstruck, stellar,
stems, stumps, stunt, suckling pig, taking a role, tarsus,
theaterlike, theatrical, theatricalize, thespian, thorp,
throw away, thrown away, trotters, underact, underacted,
underplayed, vaudevillian, village, wick
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