go back
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
87 Moby Thesaurus words for "go back":
back, back down, back out, back up, beat a retreat, break back,
bring back, bring to mind, call back, call to mind, call up,
change back, come after, come again, come back, come home,
come last, come up again, conjure up, cry back, disengage,
do a flip-flop, do an about-face, double, double back, draw back,
draw off, echo, evoke, fall astern, fall back, fall behind,
flip-flop, follow, give ground, give place, go back over,
go backwards, go home, hark back, keep coming, lag behind,
look back, mind, move back, pull back, pull out, put back,
reappear, recall, recall to mind, recapture, recollect, recur,
reevoke, reflect, regress, remember, reoccur, repeat, resound,
resume, retire, retrace, retreat, retrogress, retrospect, return,
reverberate, revert, review, review in retrospect, revive,
run back, see in retrospect, stand back, summon up, think back,
think of, trail, trail behind, turn, turn about, turn around,
turn back, use hindsight, withdraw
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