Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
GENTLEWOMAN. This word is unknown to the law in the United States, and is
but little used. In England. it was, formerly, a good addition of the state
or degree of a woman. 2 Inst. 667.
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
65 Moby Thesaurus words for "gentlewoman":
Eve, Frau, abigail, amah, archduchess, au pair girl, ayah,
baroness, betweenmaid, biddy, chambermaid, chaperon, companion,
cook, countess, dame, daughter of Eve, distaff, domina, donna,
dowager, duchess, duenna, femme, femme de chambre,
fille de chambre, frow, girl, grand duchess, handmaid, handmaiden,
hired girl, housemaid, khanum, kitchenmaid, lady, lady-help,
lady-in-waiting, lass, live-in maid, live-out maid, maid,
maidservant, marchioness, margravine, matron, milady, noblewoman,
nursemaid, parlormaid, peeress, scullery maid, servant girl,
servitress, soubrette, squaw, tweeny, upstairs maid, viscountess,
vrouw, wahine, waiting maid, weaker vessel, wench, woman
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