The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Gayety \Gay"e*ty\, n.; pl. {Gayeties}. [Written also {gaiety}.]
[F. gaiet['e]. See {Gay}, a.]
1. The state of being gay; merriment; mirth; acts or
entertainments prompted by, or inspiring, merry delight;
-- used often in the plural; as, the gayeties of the
[1913 Webster]
2. Finery; show; as, the gayety of dress.
Syn: Liveliness; mirth; animation; vivacity; glee;
blithesomeness; sprightliness; jollity. See
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
174 Moby Thesaurus words for "gaiety":
Technicolor, animal spirits, animation, beatification, beatitude,
bewitchment, blatancy, blessedness, bliss, blissfulness,
blitheness, bravery, brazenness, bright color, brightness,
brilliance, buoyancy, capersomeness, celebration, cheer,
cheerfulness, cheeriness, chiffon, clinquant, cloud nine, color,
colorfulness, coltishness, conviviality, crudeness, dash, dazzle,
dazzlingness, delectation, delight, ecstasy, ecstatics, elan,
elation, enchantment, entertainment, esprit, exaltation,
exhilaration, extravagance, extravaganza, extravagation,
exuberance, exultation, felicity, festivity, festoons, finery,
flagrancy, flamboyance, flashiness, folderol, foofaraw, frilliness,
frilling, frills, frills and furbelows, frippery, friskiness,
frolicsomeness, froufrou, fuss, gamesomeness, garishness, gaudery,
gaudiness, gayness, geniality, gilding, gilt, gingerbread,
gladness, glare, glee, glitter, good cheer, good spirits,
gorgeousness, gusto, happiness, heartiness, heaven, high spirits,
hilarity, holiday-making, hoopla, intensity, intoxication,
jauntiness, jazziness, joie de vivre, jollification, jollity,
joviality, joy, joyance, joyfulness, joyousness, jubilation,
larking, life, liveliness, loudness, luridness, mafficking,
meretriciousness, merriment, merrymaking, mirth, mirthfulness,
obtrusiveness, overhappiness, overjoyfulness, panache, paradise,
paste, pinchbeck, piss and vinegar, playfulness, pleasantness,
pleasure, pure color, racketing, radiance, rapture, ravishment,
rejoicing, revel, reveling, revelment, revelry, revels, richness,
rollicksomeness, rompishness, saturation, sensationalism,
seventh heaven, shamelessness, showiness, skittishness, skylarking,
spirit, spiritedness, spirits, sportiness, sportiveness,
sprightliness, sunshine, superfluity, tawdriness, tinsel,
transport, trappings, trickery, trumpery, unalloyed happiness,
verve, vigor, vim, vitality, vivacity, vividness, vulgarness,
whoopee, winsomeness, zest, zestfulness, zip
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