Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
181 Moby Thesaurus words for "fribble":
Beau Brummel, Sunday painter, a continental, a curse, a damn,
a darn, a hoot, airy, amateur, asinine, bagatelle, bauble, bean,
beau, beguile the time, bibelot, bit, blade, blood, boulevardier,
brass farthing, bric-a-brac, burn daylight, button, catchpenny,
cent, clotheshorse, consume time, coquet, coxcomb, curio, dabble,
dabbler, dallier, dally, dally away, dandy, diddle, diddle away,
dilettante, dizzy, doodle, dribble away, drivel away, dude, empty,
exquisite, farce, farthing, fashion plate, fatuous, feather,
featherbrained, fiddle, fiddle with, fiddle-faddle, fidget with,
fig, fine gentleman, finger with, fleabite, flighty, flimsy, flirt,
folderol, fool, fool around, fool away, fool with, foolish, footle,
fop, fribbling, frippery, fritter away, fritter away time, frivol,
frivolous, frothy, futile, gallant, gaud, gewgaw, giddy, gimcrack,
hair, halfpenny, harebrained, hill of beans, horse around, idle,
idle away, inane, jack-a-dandy, jackanapes, jerk off, jest, joke,
kickshaw, kid around, kill time, knack, knickknack, knickknackery,
lady-killer, light, light-headed, loiter, lose time, macaroni,
man-about-town, masher, mess around, minikin, mockery, molehill,
monkey, monkey around, muddle away, nugacious, nugatory, otiose,
pass the time, peppercorn, picayune, piddle, piddler, pin,
pinch of snuff, pinprick, piss away, play, play around, play with,
potter, potter away, potterer, puppy, putter, putterer, rap,
red cent, row of pins, rush, shallow, shit, silly, slender, slight,
smatter, smatterer, snap, sneeshing, sou, spark, sport, straw,
superficial, swell, tinker, toy, toy with, trifle, trifle away,
trifler, trifling, trinket, trite, trivial, triviality, tuppence,
twiddle, two cents, twopence, vacuous, vain, vapid, waste time,
while away, whim-wham, windy
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