WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
adj 1: spoiled and covered with eggs and larvae of flies;
"flyblown meat"; "a sack of maggoty apricots" [syn:
{flyblown}, {maggoty}]
2: foul and run-down and repulsive; "a flyblown bar on the edge
of town"; "a squalid overcrowded apartment in the poorest
part of town"; "squalid living conditions"; "sordid
shantytowns" [syn: {flyblown}, {squalid}, {sordid}]
3: especially of reputation; "a flyblown reputation"
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
57 Moby Thesaurus words for "flyblown":
barfy, blasted, blighted, blown, crappy, despoiled, disgusting,
fecal, feculent, fetid, filthy, foul, frowsty, frowsy, frowzy,
fusty, gloppy, gunky, icky, maggoty, malodorous, mephitic,
mildewed, moldering, moldy, moth-eaten, mucky, musty, nasty,
nauseating, odious, ordurous, puky, putrid, rank, ravaged,
repulsive, rotten, scabby, scummy, scurfy, shitty, slabby, slimy,
sloppy, sloshy, sludgy, slushy, smutted, smutty, sposhy, vile,
vomity, weevily, worm-eaten, wormy, yecchy
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