Ex parte \Ex` par"te\ [L. See {Ex-}, and {Part}.] Upon or from one side only; one-sided; partial; as, an ex parte statement. [1913 Webster] {Ex parte application}, one made without notice or opportunity to oppose. {Ex parte council}, one that assembles at the request of only one of the parties in dispute. {Ex parte hearing} or {Ex parte evidence} (Law), that which is had or taken by one side or party in the absence of the other. Hearings before grand juries, and affidavits, are ex parte. --Wharton's Law Dict. --Burrill. [1913 Webster]
EX PARTE. Of the one part. Many things may be done ex parte, when the opposite party has had notice; an affidavit or deposition is said to be taken ex parte when only one of the parties attends to taking the same. Ex parte paterna, on the side of the father, or property descended to a person from his father; ex parte materna, on the part of the mother.