defer to
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
50 Moby Thesaurus words for "defer to":
accord respect to, admire, adore, apotheosize, appreciate,
attend to orders, bow to, comply, conform, deify,
entertain respect for, esteem, exalt, favor, follow the book,
give way to, harken to, heed, hero-worship, hold in esteem,
hold in reverence, honor, idolize, keep, knuckle under to,
listen to, look up to, mark, mind, obey, obey the rules, observe,
prize, regard, respect, revere, reverence, stay in line, submit,
submit to, succumb to, take orders, think highly of, think much of,
think well of, toe the line, value, venerate, worship, yield to
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