
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    n 1: the event of dying or departure from life; "her death came
         as a terrible shock"; "upon your decease the capital will
         pass to your grandchildren" [syn: {death}, {decease},
         {expiry}] [ant: {birth}, {nascence}, {nascency},
    2: the permanent end of all life functions in an organism or
       part of an organism; "the animal died a painful death"
    3: the absence of life or state of being dead; "he seemed more
       content in death than he had ever been in life"
    4: the time when something ends; "it was the death of all his
       plans"; "a dying of old hopes" [syn: {death}, {dying},
       {demise}] [ant: {birth}]
    5: the time at which life ends; continuing until dead; "she
       stayed until his death"; "a struggle to the last" [syn:
       {death}, {last}]
    6: the personification of death; "Death walked the streets of
       the plague-bound city"
    7: a final state; "he came to a bad end"; "the so-called
       glorious experiment came to an inglorious end" [syn: {end},
       {destruction}, {death}]
    8: the act of killing; "he had two deaths on his conscience"
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Death \Death\ (d[e^]th), n. [OE. deth, dea[eth], AS.
   de['a][eth]; akin to OS. d[=o][eth], D. dood, G. tod, Icel.
   dau[eth]i, Sw. & Dan. d["o]d, Goth. dau[thorn]us; from a verb
   meaning to die. See {Die}, v. i., and cf. {Dead}.]
   1. The cessation of all vital phenomena without capability of
      resuscitation, either in animals or plants.
      [1913 Webster]

   Note: Local death is going on at all times and in all parts
         of the living body, in which individual cells and
         elements are being cast off and replaced by new; a
         process essential to life. General death is of two
         kinds; death of the body as a whole (somatic or
         systemic death), and death of the tissues. By the
         former is implied the absolute cessation of the
         functions of the brain, the circulatory and the
         respiratory organs; by the latter the entire
         disappearance of the vital actions of the ultimate
         structural constituents of the body. When death takes
         place, the body as a whole dies first, the death of the
         tissues sometimes not occurring until after a
         considerable interval. --Huxley.
         [1913 Webster]

   2. Total privation or loss; extinction; cessation; as, the
      death of memory.
      [1913 Webster]

            The death of a language can not be exactly compared
            with the death of a plant.            --J. Peile.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. Manner of dying; act or state of passing from life.
      [1913 Webster]

            A death that I abhor.                 --Shak.
      [1913 Webster]

            Let me die the death of the righteous. --Num. xxiii.
      [1913 Webster]

   4. Cause of loss of life.
      [1913 Webster]

            Swiftly flies the feathered death.    --Dryden.
      [1913 Webster]

            He caught his death the last county sessions.
      [1913 Webster]

   5. Personified: The destroyer of life, -- conventionally
      represented as a skeleton with a scythe.
      [1913 Webster]

            Death! great proprietor of all.       --Young.
      [1913 Webster]

            And I looked, and behold a pale horse; and his name
            that sat on him was Death.            --Rev. vi. 8.
      [1913 Webster]

   6. Danger of death. "In deaths oft." --2 Cor. xi. 23.
      [1913 Webster]

   7. Murder; murderous character.
      [1913 Webster]

            Not to suffer a man of death to live. --Bacon.
      [1913 Webster]

   8. (Theol.) Loss of spiritual life.
      [1913 Webster]

            To be carnally minded is death.       --Rom. viii.
      [1913 Webster]

   9. Anything so dreadful as to be like death.
      [1913 Webster]

            It was death to them to think of entertaining such
            doctrines.                            --Atterbury.
      [1913 Webster]

            And urged him, so that his soul was vexed unto
            death.                                --Judg. xvi.
      [1913 Webster]

   Note: Death is much used adjectively and as the first part of
         a compound, meaning, in general, of or pertaining to
         death, causing or presaging death; as, deathbed or
         death bed; deathblow or death blow, etc.
         [1913 Webster]

   {Black death}. See {Black death}, in the Vocabulary.

   {Civil death}, the separation of a man from civil society, or
      the debarring him from the enjoyment of civil rights, as
      by banishment, attainder, abjuration of the realm,
      entering a monastery, etc. --Blackstone.

   {Death adder}. (Zool.)
      (a) A kind of viper found in South Africa ({Acanthophis
          tortor}); -- so called from the virulence of its
      (b) A venomous Australian snake of the family
          {Elapid[ae]}, of several species, as the
          {Hoplocephalus superbus} and {Acanthopis antarctica}.

   {Death bell}, a bell that announces a death.
      [1913 Webster]

            The death bell thrice was heard to ring. --Mickle.

   {Death candle}, a light like that of a candle, viewed by the
      superstitious as presaging death.

   {Death damp}, a cold sweat at the coming on of death.

   {Death fire}, a kind of ignis fatuus supposed to forebode
      [1913 Webster]

            And round about in reel and rout,
            The death fires danced at night.      --Coleridge.

   {Death grapple}, a grapple or struggle for life.

   {Death in life}, a condition but little removed from death; a
      living death. [Poetic] "Lay lingering out a five years'
      death in life." --Tennyson.

   {Death rate}, the relation or ratio of the number of deaths
      to the population.
      [1913 Webster]

            At all ages the death rate is higher in towns than
            in rural districts.                   --Darwin.

   {Death rattle}, a rattling or gurgling in the throat of a
      dying person.

   {Death's door}, the boundary of life; the partition dividing
      life from death.

   {Death stroke}, a stroke causing death.

   {Death throe}, the spasm of death.

   {Death token}, the signal of approaching death.

   {Death warrant}.
      (a) (Law) An order from the proper authority for the
          execution of a criminal.
      (b) That which puts an end to expectation, hope, or joy.

   {Death wound}.
      (a) A fatal wound or injury.
      (b) (Naut.) The springing of a fatal leak.

   {Spiritual death} (Scripture), the corruption and perversion
      of the soul by sin, with the loss of the favor of God.

   {The gates of death}, the grave.
      [1913 Webster]

            Have the gates of death been opened unto thee? --Job
                                                  xxxviii. 17.

   {The second death}, condemnation to eternal separation from
      God. --Rev. ii. 11.

   {To be the death of}, to be the cause of death to; to make
      die. "It was one who should be the death of both his
      parents." --Milton.

   Syn: {Death}, {Decease}, {Demise}, {Departure}, {Release}.

   Usage: Death applies to the termination of every form of
          existence, both animal and vegetable; the other words
          only to the human race. Decease is the term used in
          law for the removal of a human being out of life in
          the ordinary course of nature. Demise was formerly
          confined to decease of princes, but is now sometimes
          used of distinguished men in general; as, the demise
          of Mr. Pitt. Departure and release are peculiarly
          terms of Christian affection and hope. A violent death
          is not usually called a decease. Departure implies a
          friendly taking leave of life. Release implies a
          deliverance from a life of suffering or sorrow.
          [1913 Webster]
from Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary
may be simply defined as the termination of life. It is
represented under a variety of aspects in Scripture: (1.) "The
dust shall return to the earth as it was" (Eccl. 12:7).

  (2.) "Thou takest away their breath, they die" (Ps. 104:29).

  (3.) It is the dissolution of "our earthly house of this
tabernacle" (2 Cor. 5:1); the "putting off this tabernacle" (2
Pet. 1:13, 14).

  (4.) Being "unclothed" (2 Cor. 5:3, 4).

  (5.) "Falling on sleep" (Ps. 76:5; Jer. 51:39; Acts 13:36; 2
Pet. 3:9.

  (6.) "I go whence I shall not return" (Job 10:21); "Make me to
know mine end" (Ps. 39:4); "to depart" (Phil. 1:23).

  The grave is represented as "the gates of death" (Job 38:17;
Ps. 9:13; 107:18). The gloomy silence of the grave is spoken of
under the figure of the "shadow of death" (Jer. 2:6).

  Death is the effect of sin (Heb. 2:14), and not a "debt of
nature." It is but once (9:27), universal (Gen. 3:19), necessary
(Luke 2:28-30). Jesus has by his own death taken away its sting
for all his followers (1 Cor. 15:55-57).

  There is a spiritual death in trespasses and sins, i.e., the
death of the soul under the power of sin (Rom. 8:6; Eph. 2:1, 3;
Col. 2:13).

  The "second death" (Rev. 2:11) is the everlasting perdition of
the wicked (Rev. 21:8), and "second" in respect to natural or
temporal death.

  THE DEATH OF CHRIST is the procuring cause incidentally of all
the blessings men enjoy on earth. But specially it is the
procuring cause of the actual salvation of all his people,
together with all the means that lead thereto. It does not make
their salvation merely possible, but certain (Matt. 18:11; Rom.
5:10; 2 Cor. 5:21; Gal. 1:4; 3:13; Eph. 1:7; 2:16; Rom.
from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
DEATH, med. jur., crim. law, evidence. The cessation of life.
     2. It is either natural, as when it happens in the usual course, 
without any violence; or violent, when it is caused either by the acts of 
the deceased, or those of others. Natural death will not be here considered 
further than may be requisite to illustrate the manner in which violent 
death occurs. A violent death is either accidental or criminal; and the 
criminal act was committed by the deceased, or by another. 
     3. The subject will be considered, 1. As it relates to medical 
jurisprudence; and, 2. With regard to its effects upon the rights of 
     4.-1. It is the office of medical jurisprudence, by the light and 
information which it can bestow, to aid in the detection of crimes against 
the persons of others, in order to subject them to the punishment which is 
awarded by the criminal law. Medical men are very frequently called upon to 
make examinations of the bodies of persons. who have been found dead, for 
the purpose of ascertaining the causes of their death. When it is 
recollected that the honor, the fortune, and even the life of the citizen, 
as well as the distribution of impartial justice, frequently depend on these 
examinations, one cannot but be struck at the responsibility which rests 
upon such medical men, particularly when the numerous qualities which are 
indispensably requisite to form a correct judgment, are considered. In order 
to form a correct opinion, the physician must be not only skilled in his 
art, but he must have made such examinations his special study. A man may be 
an enlightened physician, and yet he may find it exceedingly difficult to 
resolve, properly, the grave and almost always complicated questions which 
arise in cases of this kind. Judiciary annals, unfortunately, afford but too 
many examples of the fatal mistakes made by physicians, and others, when 
considering cases of violent deaths. 
     5. In the examination of bodies of persons who have come to a violent 
death, every precaution should be taken to ascertain the situation of the 
place where the body was found; as to whether the ground appears to have 
been disturbed from its natural condition; whether there are any marks of 
footsteps, their size, their number, the direction to which they lead, and 
whence they came - whether any traces of blood or hair can be found - and 
whether any, and what weapons or instruments, which could have caused death, 
are found in the vicinity; and these instruments should be carefully 
preserved so that they may be identified. A case or two may here be 
mentioned, to show the importance of examining the ground in order to 
ascertain the facts. Mr. Jeffries was murdered at Walthamstow, in England, 
in 1751, by his niece and servant. The perpetrators were suspected from the 
single circumstance that the dew on the ground surrounding the house had not 
been disturbed on the morning of the murder. Mr. Taylor, of Hornsey, was 
murdered in December, 1818, and his body thrown into the river. It was 
evident he, had not gone into the river willingly, as the hands were found 
clenched and contained grass, which, in the struggle, he had torn from the 
bank. The marks of footsteps, particularly in the snow, have been found, not 
unfrequently, to correspond with the shoes or feet of suspected persons, and 
led to their detection. Paris, Med. Jur. vol. iii. p. 38, 41. 
     6. In the survey of the body the following rules should be observed: 1. 
It should be as thoroughly examined as possible without changing its 
position or that of any of the limbs; this is particularly desirable when, 
from appearances, the death has been caused by a wound, because by moving 
it, the altitude of the extremities may be altered, or the state of a 
fracture or luxation changed; for the internal parts vary in their position 
with one another, according to the general position of the body. When it is 
requisite to remove it, it should be done with great caution. 2. The clothes 
should be removed, as far as necessary, and it should be noted what 
compresses or bandages (if any) are applied to particular parts, and to what 
extent. 3. The color of the skin, the temperature of the body, the rigidity 
or flexibility of the extremities, the state of the eyes, and of the 
sphincter muscles, noting at the same time whatever swellings, ecchymosis, 
or livid, black, or yellow spots, wounds, ulcer, contusion, fracture, or 
luxation may be present. The fluids from the nose, mouth, ears, sexual 
organs, &c., should be examined; and, when the deceased is a female, it may 
be proper to examine the sexual organs with care, in order to ascertain 
whether before death she was ravished or not. 1 Briand, Med. Leg. 2eme 
partio, ch. 1, art. 3, n. 5, p. 318. 4. The clothes of the deceased should 
be carefully examined, and if parts are torn or defaced, this fact should be 
noted. A list should also be made of the articles found on the body, and of 
their state or condition, as whether the purse of the deceased had been 
opened; whether he had any money, &c. 5. The state of the body as to 
decomposition should be, particularly stated, as by this it may sometimes be 
ascertained when the death took place; experience proves that in general 
after the expiration of fourteen days After death, decomposition has so far 
advanced, that identity cannot be ascertained, excepting in some    strongly 
developed peculiarity; but in a drowned body, adipocire is not produced 
until five or six weeks after death but this depends upon circumstance's, 
and varies according to climate, season, &c. It is exceedingly important, 
however to keep this fact in view in some judicial inquiries relative to the 
time of death. 1 Chit. Med. Jur. 443. A memorandum should be made of all the 
facts as they are ascertained when possible, it should be made on the 
ground, but when this cannot be done, as when chemical experiments are to be 
made, or the body is to be dissected, they should be made in the place where 
these operations are performed. 1 Beck's Med. Jur. 5; Dr. Gordon Smith, 505; 
Ryan's Med. Jur. 145; Dr. Male's Elem. of Judicial and For. Med. 101; 3 
Paris & Fonbl. Med. Jur. 23 to 25; Vilanova Y Manes, Materia Criminal 
Forense, Obs. 11, cap. 7, n. 7; Trebuchet, Medecine Legale, 12, et seq; 1 
Briand, Med. Leg. 2eme partie, ch. 1, art. 5. Vide article Circumstances. 
     7.-2. In examining the law as to the effect which death has upon the 
rights of others, it will be proper to consider, 1. What is the presumption 
of life or death. 2. The effects of a man's death. 
     8.-1. It is a general rule, that persons who are proved to have been 
living, will be presumed to be alive till the contrary is proved and when 
the issue is upon the death of a person, the proof of the fact lies upon the 
party who asserts the death. 2 East, 312; 2 Rolle's R. 461. But when a 
person has been absent for a long time, unheard from, the law will presume 
him to be dead. It has been adjudged, that after twenty-seven years 3 Bro. 
C. C. 510; twenty years in another case; sixteen years; 5 Ves. 458; fourteen 
years; 3 Serg. & Rawle, 390 twelve years; 18 John. R. 141; seven years; 6 
East, 80, 85; and even five years Finch's R. 419; the presumption of death 
arises. It seems that even seven years has been agreed as the time when 
death may in general be presumed. 1 Phil. Ev. 159. See 24 Wend. R. 221; 4 
Whart. R. 173. By the civil law, if any woman marry again without certain 
intelligence of the death of her husband, how long soever otherwise her 
husband be absent from her, both she and he who married her shall be 
punished as adulterers. Authentics, 8th Coll.; Ridley's View of the Civ. and 
Ecc. Law, 82. 
     9. The survivorship of two or more is to be proved by facts, and not by 
any settled legal rule, or prescribed presumption. 5 B. Adolp. 91; 27 E. C. 
L. R. 45; Cro. Eliz. 503 Bac. Ab. Execution D; 2 Phillim. 261; 1 Mer. R. 
308; 3 Hagg. Eccl. R. 748; But see 1 Yo. & Coll. C. N. 121; 1 Curt. R. 405, 
406, 429. In the following cases, no presumption of survivorship was held 
to arise; where two men, the father and son, were hanged about the same 
time, and one was seen to struggle a little longer than the other; Cor. 
Eliz. 503; in the case of General Stanwix, who perished at sea in the same 
vessel with his daughter; 1 Bl. R. 610; and in the case of Taylor and his 
wife, who also perished by being wrecked at sea with her, to whom he had 
bequeathed the principal part of his fortune. 2 Phillim. R. 261; S. C. 1 
Eng. Eccl. R. 250. Vide Fearne on Rem. iv.; Poth. Obl. by Evans, vol. ii., 
p. 345; 1 Beck's Med. Jur. 487 to 502. The Code Civil of France has provided 
for most, perhaps all possible cases, art. 720, 721 and 722. The provisions 
have been transcribed in the Civil Code of Louisiana, in these words: 
    10. Art. 930. If several persons respectively entitled to inherit from 
one another, happen to perish in the same event, such as a wreck, a battle, 
or a conflagration, without any possibility of ascertaining who died first, 
the presumption of survivorship is determined by the circumstances of the 
    11. Art. 931. lu defect of the circumstances of the fact, the 
determination must be guided by the probabilities resulting from the 
strength, ages, and difference of sex, according to the following rules. 
    12. Art. 932. If those who have perished together were under the age of 
fifteen years, the eldest shall be presumed to have survived. If both were 
of the age of sixty-years, the youngest shall be presumed to have survived. 
If some were under fifteen years, and some above sixty, the first shall be 
presumed to have survived. 
    13. Art. 933. If those who perished together, were above the age of 
fifteen years, and under sixty, the male must be presumed to have survived, 
where there was an equality of age, or a difference of less than one year. 
If they were of the same sex, the presumption of survivorship, by which the 
succession becomes open in the order of nature, must be admitted; thus the 
younger must be presumed to have survived the elder. 
    14.-2.  The death of a man, as to its effects on others, may be 
considered with regard, 1. To his contracts. 2. Torts committed by or 
against him. 3. The disposition of his estate; and, 4. To the liability or 
discharge of his bail. 
    15.-1st. The contracts of a deceased person are in general not 
affected by his death, and his executors or administrators are required to 
fulfill his engagements, and may enforce those in his favor. But to this 
general rule there are some exceptions; some contracts are either by the 
terms employed in making them, or by implication of law, to continue only 
during the life of the contracting party. Among these may be mentioned the 
following cases: 1. The contract of marriage. 2. The partnership of 
individuals. The contract of partnership is dissolved by death, unless 
otherwise provided for. Indeed the partnership will be dissolved by the 
death of one or more of the partners, and its effects upon the other 
partners or third persons will be the same, whether they have notice of the 
death or otherwise. 3 Mer. R. 593; Story, Partn. Sec. 319, 336, 343; Colly. 
Partn. 71; 2 Bell's  Com. 639, 5th ed.; 3 Kent, Com. 56, 4th ed.; Gow, 
Partn. 351; 1 Molloy, R. 465; 15 Ves. 218; S. C. 2 Russ. R. 325.; 3. 
Contracts which are altogether personal; as, for example, where the deceased 
had agreed to accompany the other party to the contract, on a journey, or to 
serve another; Poth. Ob. P. 3, c. 7, a. 3, Sec. 2 and 3; or to instruct an 
apprentice. Bac. Ab. Executor, P;  1 Burn's Just. 82, 3; Hamm. on Part. 157; 
1 Rawle's R. 61. 
    16. The death of either a constituent or of an attorney puts an end to 
the power of attorney. To recall such power two things are necessary; 1st. 
The will or intention to recall; and, 2d. Special notice or general 
authority. Death is a sufficient recall of such power, answering both 
requisites. Either it is, according to one hypothesis, the intended 
termination of the authority or, according to the other, the cessation of 
that will, the existence of which is requisite to the existence of the 
attorney's power; while on either supposition, the event is, or is supposed 
to be, notorious. But exceptions are admitted where the death is unknown, 
and the authority, in the meanwhile, is in action, and relied on. 3 T. R. 
215; Poth; Ob. n. 448. 
    17.-2d. In general, when the tort feasor or the party who has received 
the injury dies, the action for the recovery of the damages dies with him; 
but when the deceased might have waived the tort, and maintained assumpsit 
against the defendant, his personal representative may do the same thing. 
See the article Actio Personalis moriturcum persona, where this subject is 
more fully examined. When a person accused and guilty of crime dies before 
trial, no proceedings can be had against his representatives or his estate. 
    18.-3d. By the death of a person seised of real estate, or possessed 
of personal property at the time of his death; his property vests when he 
has made his will, as he has directed by that instrument; but when he dies 
intestate, his real estate vests in his heirs at law by descent, and his 
personal property, whether in possession or in action, belongs to his 
executors or administrators. 
    19.-4th. The death of a defendant discharges the special bail. Tidd, 
Pr. 243; but when he dies after the return of the ca. sa., and before it is 
filed, the bail are fixed. 6 T. R. 284; 5 Binn. R. 332, 338; 2 Mass. R. 485; 
1 N. H. Rep. 172; 12 Wheat. 604; 4 John. R. 407; 3 McCord, R. 49; 4 Pick. R. 
120; 4 N. H. Rep. 29. 
    20. Death is also divided into natural and civil.
    21. Natural death is the cessation of life.
    22. Civil death is the state of a person who, though possessing natural 
life, has lost all his civil rights, and, as to them, is considered as dead. 
A person convicted and attainted of felony, and sentenced to the state 
prison for life, is, in the state of New York, in consequence of the act of 
29th of March, 1799, and by virtue of the conviction and sentence of 
imprisonment for life, to be considered as civilly dead. 6 Johns. C R. 118; 
4 Johns. C. R. 228, 260; Laws of N. Y. Sess. 24, ch. 49, s. 29, 30, 31; 1 N. 
R. L. 157, 164; Co. Litt. 130, a; 3 Inst. 215; 1 Bl. Com. 132, 133; 4 Bl. 
Com. 332; 4 Vin. Ab. 152. See. Code Civ. art. 22 a 25; 1 Toull. n. 280 and 
p. 254, 5, note; also, pp. 243-5, n. 272; 1 Malleville's Discussion of the 
Code Civil, 45, 49, 51, 57. Biret, Vocab. au mot Effigie. 
    23. Death of a partner. The following effects follow the death of a 
partner, namely: 1. The partnership is dissolved, unless otherwise provided 
for by the articles of partnership. Gow's Partn. 429. 2. The representatives 
of the deceased partner become tenants in common with the survivor in all 
partnership effects in possession. 3. Choses in action so far survive that 
the right to reduce them into possession vests exclusively in the survivor. 
4. When recovered, the representatives of the deceased partner have, in, 
equity, the same right of sharing and participating in them that their 
testator or intestate would have had had he been living. 5. It is the duty 
and the right of the surviving partner to settle the affairs of the firm, 
for which he is not allowed any compensation. 6. The surviving partner is 
alone to be sued at law for debts of the firm, yet recourse can be had in 
equity against the assets of the deceased debtor. Gow's Partn. 460. Vide 
Capital Crime; Dissolution; Firm; Partners; Partnership; Punishment. See, 
generally, Bouv. Inst. Index, h.t. 
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
121 Moby Thesaurus words for "death":
      Azrael, Black Death, Death, Grim Reaper, Pale Death, Reaper, Z,
      angel of death, annihilation, apodosis, bane, caducity, casualty,
      catastrophe, ceasing, cessation, changeableness, coda, conclusion,
      consummation, corruptibility, crack of doom, crossbones,
      crossing the bar, culmination, curtain, curtains, death knell,
      deathblow, decease, demise, denouement, destination, destiny,
      destruction, dissolution, doom, downfall, dying, effect, end,
      end point, ending, envoi, ephemerality, ephemeralness, epilogue,
      eradication, eschatology, evanescence, expiration, expiry,
      extermination, extinction, extirpation, fatal, fate,
      final solution, final twitch, final words, finale, finality, finis,
      finish, finitude, fleetingness, fugacity, goal, grave, grim reaper,
      impermanence, impermanency, instability, izzard, last, last breath,
      last gasp, last things, last trumpet, last words, latter end,
      liquidation, memento mori, momentariness, mortality, mutability,
      obliteration, omega, pale horse, pale rider, passing, payoff,
      period, perishability, peroration, quietus, resolution,
      resting place, ruin, sickle of Death, silence, skull,
      skull and crossbones, sleep, stoppage, stopping place, swan song,
      term, terminal, termination, terminus, that fell sergeant,
      that grim ferryman, transience, transiency, transientness,
      transitoriness, undoing, volatility, white cross, windup

from Who Was Who: 5000 B. C. to Date

a hideous man who called at least once during a
lifetime, usually toward the close.  Patron of insurance
companies. Nothing is known of his childhood.  Historians claim
he never had any. Possessed an ugly face; wore a sheet over his
head, and always carried a scythe in his hands.  Never brought
happiness, although his visits frequently gave money to some
one. Never could be bribed to pass a house he wished to enter.
Many doctors and scientists have endeavored to kill him, but he
continues to be a safe bet at 100 to 1.  Heir:  None.
Ambition:  A happy home and prosperous graveyards.  Recreation:
Sharpening scythes. Address:  Always hung out a black cloth
wherever he resided.

[email protected]