Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
46 Moby Thesaurus words for "coldly":
antagonistically, apathetically, chillily, cold-bloodedly,
coldheartedly, coolly, deadpan, dispassionately, dormantly, dully,
frostily, halfheartedly, heartlessly, heavily, hostilely,
impassively, in cold blood, inactively, indifferently, inertly,
inimically, languidly, languorously, latently, lifelessly,
lukewarmly, passively, perfunctorily, phlegmatically, sluggishly,
spiritlessly, stagnantly, statically, stoically, stolidly,
torpidly, unamiably, unamicably, uncordially, unemotionally,
unfeelingly, ungenially, unpassionately, with dry eyes,
with indifference, with utter indifference
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