The Devil's Dictionary (1881-1906)
CLAIRVOYANT, n. A person, commonly a woman, who has the power of
seeing that which is invisible to her patron, namely, that he is a
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
43 Moby Thesaurus words for "clairvoyant":
anticipant, anticipatory, automatist, clairaudient, clairsentient,
divinatory, extrasensory, farseeing, farsighted, feeling,
forehanded, foreknowing, foreseeing, foresighted, forethoughted,
forethoughtful, intuitional, intuitive, longsighted, mediumistic,
precognitive, precognizant, prepared, prescient, pretersensual,
provident, providential, prudent, psychic, psychokinetic,
psychometer, psychometrist, psychosensory, ready, sagacious,
second-sighted, sensing, spiritual, spiritualistic, supersensible,
supersensual, telekinetic, telepathic
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