The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Shoot \Shoot\, n. [F. chute. See {Chute}. Confused with shoot to
let fly.]
An inclined plane, either artificial or natural, down which
timber, coal, etc., are caused to slide; also, a narrow
passage, either natural or artificial, in a stream, where the
water rushes rapidly; esp., a channel, having a swift
current, connecting the ends of a bend in the stream, so as
to shorten the course. [Written also {chute}, and {shute}.]
[U. S.]
[1913 Webster]
{To take a shoot}, to pass through a shoot instead of the
main channel; to take the most direct course. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
146 Moby Thesaurus words for "chute":
Ferris wheel, avenue, bank, bevel, bezel, blowhole, brolly,
carousel, cascade, cataract, channel, chimney, chute-the-chutes,
chutes, collapse, comedown, country rock, crash, debacle, debouch,
declension, declination, defluxion, deposit, descending,
descension, descent, dike, door, down, downbend, downcome,
downcurve, downfall, downflow, downgrade, downpour, downrush,
downtrend, downturn, downward trend, drogue chute, drop, dropping,
easy slope, eaves trough, egress, emunctory, escape, estuary,
exhaust, exit, fall, falling, falls, fleam, floodgate, flume,
flying horses, force, gangue, gentle slope, glacis, grade,
gradient, gravitation, guide, gutter, hanging gardens, harness,
helicline, hillside, inclination, incline, inclined plane,
launching ramp, lode, lodestuff, loophole, matrix, merry-go-round,
mineral deposit, opening, ore bed, out, outcome, outfall, outgate,
outgo, outlet, pack, parachute, parachute jump, pay dirt, penstock,
pentrough, pitch, plummeting, pore, port, pounce, ramp, rapid,
rapids, riff, riffle, ripple, roller coaster, roundabout, runway,
sally port, sault, scarp, seesaw, shaft, shelving beach, shoot,
shroud lines, side, sky dive, slide, slope, sluice, spiracle,
spout, steep slope, stiff climb, stock, stoop, swing, swoop, talus,
tap, teeter-totter, trough, umbrella, vein, vent, ventage,
venthole, vomitory, waterfall, way out, weir, whip, whirligig
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