WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: a checkerboard game for two players who each have 12
pieces; the object is to jump over and so capture the
opponent's pieces [syn: {checkers}, {draughts}]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Checkers \Check"ers\ (ch[e^]k"[~e]rz), n. pl. [See {Checher},
A game, called also {draughts}, played on a checkerboard by
two persons, each having twelve men (counters or checkers)
which are moved diagonally. The game is ended when either of
the players has lost all his men, or can not move them.
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
120 Moby Thesaurus words for "checkers":
Monopoly, Ping-Pong, Rugby, Scrabble, archery,
association football, backgammon, badminton, bagatelle, ball,
bandy, baseball, basketball, battledore and shuttlecock, beano,
billiards, bingo, bowling, bowls, boxing, cat, catch, charades,
chess, climbing, crambo, cricket, croquet, curling, discus,
dominoes, draughts, fencing, fishing, fives, football, ghost,
gliding, go, golf, handball, hide-and-seek, hiking, hockey,
hopscotch, horseshoes, hunting, hurdling, ice hockey, jacks,
jackstones, jackstraws, keno, lacrosse, lawn tennis, leapfrog,
lotto, luging, marbles, merels, motorcycling, mountaineering,
mumble-the-peg, ninepins, pall-mall, pallone, pelota, polo, pool,
post office, pushball, pyramids, quintain, quoits, racquets,
riding, roller skating, rounders, rowing, sailing, sailplaning,
sculling, shinny, shooting, shot-put, shuffleboard, skating, skeet,
skeet shooting, ski-jumping, skiing, skin-diving, skittles,
sledding, snooker, snorkel diving, snowmobiling, soccer, softball,
sports, squash, stickball, surfing, table tennis, tennis, tenpins,
tent pegging, tetherball, ticktacktoe, tiddlywinks, tilting,
tipcat, tivoli, tobogganing, trapshooting, tug of war, volleyball,
water polo, waterskiing, wrestling
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