Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
87 Moby Thesaurus words for "borderland":
Berlin wall, Pillars of Hercules, alentours, ambience, ambit,
arena, back country, backwoods, bailiwick, bamboo curtain, beat,
boondock, boondocks, border, border ground, borderlands, brush,
bush country, bushveld, circle, circuit, circumambiencies,
circumjacencies, circumstances, compass, context, demesne,
department, domain, dominion, entourage, environing circumstances,
environment, environs, field, forests, frontier, frontier post,
gestalt, habitat, hemisphere, hinterland, iron curtain,
judicial circuit, jurisdiction, march, marches, marchland, milieu,
neighborhood, orb, orbit, outback, outpost, outposts, outskirts,
pale, perimeter, periphery, precinct, precincts, province,
purlieus, realm, round, situation, sphere, suburbs, surroundings,
the bush, three-mile limit, timbers, total environment,
twelve-mile limit, uninhabited region, up-country, vicinage,
vicinity, virgin land, virgin territory, walk, wasteland,
wild West, wilderness, wilds, woodlands, woods
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