beaten path
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
65 Moby Thesaurus words for "beaten path":
alameda, beat, beaten track, berm, bicycle path, boardwalk,
bridle path, broken record, bureaucracy, bureaucratism, catwalk,
chinoiserie, daily grind, esplanade, fastwalk, foot pavement,
footpath, footway, garden path, grind, groove, hiking trail,
humdrum, invariability, irk, irksomeness, jog trot, mall, monotony,
parade, path, pathway, prado, promenade, public walk, red tape,
red-tapeism, round, routine, run, runway, rut, sameliness,
sameness, sidewalk, squirrel cage, tedium, the beaten track,
the daily round, the round, the squirrel cage, the treadmill,
the weary round, towing path, towpath, track, trail, treadmill,
trottoir, undeviation, unvariation, walk, walkway,
wearisome sameness, well-worn groove
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