Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
65 Moby Thesaurus words for "afterimage":
afterbirth, afterclap, aftercrop, aftereffect, afterglow,
aftergrowth, aftermath, afterpain, aftertaste, balance, butt,
butt end, by-product, candle ends, chaff, debris, detritus, end,
fag end, filings, fossil, holdover, husks, leavings, leftovers,
ocular spectrum, odds and ends, offscourings, optical illusion,
orts, parings, placenta, rags, refuse, relics, remainder, remains,
remnant, residue, residuum, rest, roach, rubbish, ruins, rump,
sawdust, scourings, scraps, secundines, shadow, shavings,
side effect, spectrum, straw, stubble, stump, survival, sweepings,
trace, track, trail, trick of eyesight, vestige, wake, waste
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