Tendai Buddhism

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Perhaps one of these: to note a bill, time deposit, time-table, to wind up, tent bed, tentifly, timothy first epistle to, tomato fruitworm, tent-fly, tonto basin, az, twenty-fifth, toned paper, the nativity, tone deafness, towanda, pa, tintype, twenty-five percent, time deposit account, twenty-five, tenth part, town dab, to end up, tantivy, tentif, to wind off, tinytp, twenty-first, tomato blight, tentful, timetable, tomato plant, twenty-fourth, tentfuls, tinea tapetzella, twentyfold, tonto basin, time division multiple access, twenty-four hours, to and fro, tent peg, to-and-fro, twenty-fourmo, ten-day fern, tomato paste, thanatopsis, to hand over, tent flap, twenty-four, twenty-four hour period, time division multiplexing, twenty-four-seven, tmdb, twenty percent, tone-deaf, to endeavor one's self, thanatophobia, timothy francis leary, time out of mind

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