WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
adj 1: made from or covered with gold; "gold coins"; "the gold
dome of the Capitol"; "the golden calf"; "gilded icons"
[syn: {gold}, {golden}, {gilded}]
2: having the deep slightly brownish color of gold; "long
aureate (or golden) hair"; "a gold carpet" [syn: {aureate},
{gilded}, {gilt}, {gold}, {golden}]
n 1: coins made of gold
2: a deep yellow color; "an amber light illuminated the room";
"he admired the gold of her hair" [syn: {amber}, {gold}]
3: a soft yellow malleable ductile (trivalent and univalent)
metallic element; occurs mainly as nuggets in rocks and
alluvial deposits; does not react with most chemicals but is
attacked by chlorine and aqua regia [syn: {gold}, {Au},
{atomic number 79}]
4: great wealth; "Whilst that for which all virtue now is sold,
and almost every vice--almighty gold"--Ben Jonson
5: something likened to the metal in brightness or preciousness
or superiority etc.; "the child was as good as gold"; "she
has a heart of gold"
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Gold \Gold\ (g[=o]ld), n. [AS. gold; akin to D. goud, OS. & G.
gold, Icel. gull, Sw. & Dan. guld, Goth. gul[thorn], Russ. &
OSlav. zlato; prob. akin to E. yellow. [root]49, 234. See
{Yellow}, and cf. {Gild}, v. t.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Chem.) A metallic element of atomic number 79,
constituting the most precious metal used as a common
commercial medium of exchange. It has a characteristic
yellow color, is one of the heaviest substances known
(specific gravity 19.32), is soft, and very malleable and
ductile. It is quite unalterable by heat (melting point
1064.4[deg] C), moisture, and most corrosive agents, and
therefore well suited for its use in coin and jewelry.
Symbol Au ({Aurum}). Atomic weight 196.97.
[1913 Webster]
Note: Native gold contains usually eight to ten per cent of
silver, but often much more. As the amount of silver
increases, the color becomes whiter and the specific
gravity lower. Gold is very widely disseminated, as in
the sands of many rivers, but in very small quantity.
It usually occurs in quartz veins (gold quartz), in
slate and metamorphic rocks, or in sand and alluvial
soil, resulting from the disintegration of such rocks.
It also occurs associated with other metallic
substances, as in auriferous pyrites, and is combined
with tellurium in the minerals petzite, calaverite,
sylvanite, etc. Pure gold is too soft for ordinary use,
and is hardened by alloying with silver and copper, the
latter giving a characteristic reddish tinge. [See
{Carat}.] Gold also finds use in gold foil, in the
pigment purple of Cassius, and in the chloride, which
is used as a toning agent in photography.
[1913 Webster]
2. Money; riches; wealth.
[1913 Webster]
For me, the gold of France did not seduce. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
3. A yellow color, like that of the metal; as, a flower
tipped with gold.
[1913 Webster]
4. Figuratively, something precious or pure; as, hearts of
gold. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
{Age of gold}. See {Golden age}, under {Golden}.
{Dutch gold}, {Fool's gold}, {Gold dust}, etc. See under
{Dutch}, {Dust}, etc.
{Gold amalgam}, a mineral, found in Columbia and California,
composed of gold and mercury.
{Gold beater}, one whose occupation is to beat gold into gold
{Gold beater's skin}, the prepared outside membrane of the
large intestine of the ox, used for separating the leaves
of metal during the process of gold-beating.
{Gold beetle} (Zool.), any small gold-colored beetle of the
family {Chrysomelid[ae]}; -- called also {golden beetle}.
{Gold blocking}, printing with gold leaf, as upon a book
cover, by means of an engraved block. --Knight.
{Gold cloth}. See {Cloth of gold}, under {Cloth}.
{Gold Coast}, a part of the coast of Guinea, in West Africa.
{Gold cradle}. (Mining) See {Cradle}, n., 7.
{Gold diggings}, the places, or region, where gold is found
by digging in sand and gravel from which it is separated
by washing.
{Gold end}, a fragment of broken gold or jewelry.
{Gold-end man}.
(a) A buyer of old gold or jewelry.
(b) A goldsmith's apprentice.
(c) An itinerant jeweler. "I know him not: he looks like a
gold-end man." --B. Jonson.
{Gold fever}, a popular mania for gold hunting.
{Gold field}, a region in which are deposits of gold.
{Gold finder}.
(a) One who finds gold.
(b) One who empties privies. [Obs. & Low] --Swift.
{Gold flower}, a composite plant with dry and persistent
yellow radiating involucral scales, the {Helichrysum
St[oe]chas} of Southern Europe. There are many South
African species of the same genus.
{Gold foil}, thin sheets of gold, as used by dentists and
others. See {Gold leaf}.
{Gold knobs} or {Gold knoppes} (Bot.), buttercups.
{Gold lace}, a kind of lace, made of gold thread.
{Gold latten}, a thin plate of gold or gilded metal.
{Gold leaf}, gold beaten into a film of extreme thinness, and
used for gilding, etc. It is much thinner than gold foil.
{Gold lode} (Mining), a gold vein.
{Gold mine}, a place where gold is obtained by mining
operations, as distinguished from diggings, where it is
extracted by washing. Cf. {Gold diggings} (above).
{Gold nugget}, a lump of gold as found in gold mining or
digging; -- called also a {pepito}.
{Gold paint}. See {Gold shell}.
{Gold pheasant}, or {Golden pheasant}. (Zool.) See under
{Gold plate}, a general name for vessels, dishes, cups,
spoons, etc., made of gold.
{Mosaic gold}. See under {Mosaic}.
[1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Watch \Watch\ (w[o^]ch), n. [OE. wacche, AS. w[ae]cce, fr.
wacian to wake; akin to D. wacht, waak, G. wacht, wache.
[root]134. See {Wake}, v. i. ]
[1913 Webster]
1. The act of watching; forbearance of sleep; vigil; wakeful,
vigilant, or constantly observant attention; close
observation; guard; preservative or preventive vigilance;
formerly, a watching or guarding by night.
[1913 Webster]
Shepherds keeping watch by night. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]
All the long night their mournful watch they keep.
[1913 Webster]
Note: Watch was formerly distinguished from ward, the former
signifying a watching or guarding by night, and the
latter a watching, guarding, or protecting by day
Hence, they were not unfrequently used together,
especially in the phrase to keep watch and ward, to
denote continuous and uninterrupted vigilance or
protection, or both watching and guarding. This
distinction is now rarely recognized, watch being used
to signify a watching or guarding both by night and by
day, and ward, which is now rarely used, having simply
the meaning of guard, or protection, without reference
to time.
[1913 Webster]
Still, when she slept, he kept both watch and
ward. --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]
Ward, guard, or custodia, is chiefly applied to
the daytime, in order to apprehend rioters, and
robbers on the highway . . . Watch, is properly
applicable to the night only, . . . and it begins
when ward ends, and ends when that begins.
[1913 Webster]
2. One who watches, or those who watch; a watchman, or a body
of watchmen; a sentry; a guard.
[1913 Webster]
Pilate said unto them, Ye have a watch; go your way,
make it as sure as ye can. --Matt. xxvii.
[1913 Webster]
3. The post or office of a watchman; also, the place where a
watchman is posted, or where a guard is kept.
[1913 Webster]
He upbraids Iago, that he made him
Brave me upon the watch. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
4. The period of the night during which a person does duty as
a sentinel, or guard; the time from the placing of a
sentinel till his relief; hence, a division of the night.
[1913 Webster]
I did stand my watch upon the hill. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Might we but hear . . .
Or whistle from the lodge, or village cock
Count the night watches to his feathery dames.
[1913 Webster]
5. A small timepiece, or chronometer, to be carried about the
person, the machinery of which is moved by a spring.
[1913 Webster]
Note: Watches are often distinguished by the kind of
escapement used, as an {anchor watch}, a {lever watch},
a {chronometer watch}, etc. (see the Note under
{Escapement}, n., 3); also, by the kind of case, as a
{gold} or {silver watch}, an {open-faced watch}, a
{hunting watch}, or {hunter}, etc.
[1913 Webster]
6. (Naut.)
(a) An allotted portion of time, usually four hour for
standing watch, or being on deck ready for duty. Cf.
(b) That part, usually one half, of the officers and crew,
who together attend to the working of a vessel for an
allotted time, usually four hours. The watches are
designated as the {port watch}, and the {starboard
[1913 Webster]
{Anchor watch} (Naut.), a detail of one or more men who keep
watch on deck when a vessel is at anchor.
{To be on the watch}, to be looking steadily for some event.
{Watch and ward} (Law), the charge or care of certain
officers to keep a watch by night and a guard by day in
towns, cities, and other districts, for the preservation
of the public peace. --Wharton. --Burrill.
{Watch and watch} (Naut.), the regular alternation in being
on watch and off watch of the two watches into which a
ship's crew is commonly divided.
{Watch barrel}, the brass box in a watch, containing the
{Watch bell} (Naut.), a bell struck when the half-hour glass
is run out, or at the end of each half hour. --Craig.
{Watch bill} (Naut.), a list of the officers and crew of a
ship as divided into watches, with their stations.
{Watch case}, the case, or outside covering, of a watch;
also, a case for holding a watch, or in which it is kept.
{Watch chain}. Same as {watch guard}, below.
{Watch clock}, a watchman's clock; see under {Watchman}.
{Watch fire}, a fire lighted at night, as a signal, or for
the use of a watch or guard.
{Watch glass}.
(a) A concavo-convex glass for covering the face, or dial,
of a watch; -- also called {watch crystal}.
(b) (Naut.) A half-hour glass used to measure the time of
a watch on deck.
{Watch guard}, a chain or cord by which a watch is attached
to the person.
{Watch gun} (Naut.), a gun sometimes fired on shipboard at 8
p. m., when the night watch begins.
{Watch light}, a low-burning lamp used by watchers at night;
formerly, a candle having a rush wick.
{Watch night}, The last night of the year; -- so called by
the Methodists, Moravians, and others, who observe it by
holding religious meetings lasting until after midnight.
{Watch paper}, an old-fashioned ornament for the inside of a
watch case, made of paper cut in some fanciful design, as
a vase with flowers, etc.
{Watch tackle} (Naut.), a small, handy purchase, consisting
of a tailed double block, and a single block with a hook.
[1913 Webster]
The Elements (07Nov00)
Symbol: Au
Atomic number: 79
Atomic weight: 196.96655
Gold is gold colored. It is the most malleable and ductile metal known.
There is only one stable isotope of gold, and five radioisotopes of
Au-195 being the most stable with a half-life of 186 days. Gold is used
as a monetary standard, in jewelry, dentistry, electronics. Au-198 is
in treating cancer and some other medical conditions. Gold has been
to exist as far back as 2600 BC. Gold comes from the Anglo-Saxon word
Its symbol, Au, comes from the Latin word aurum, which means gold. Gold
not particularly toxic, however it is known to cause damage to the liver
and kidneys in some.
Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary
(1.) Heb. zahab, so called from its yellow colour (Ex. 25:11; 1
Chr. 28:18; 2 Chr. 3:5).
(2.) Heb. segor, from its compactness, or as being enclosed or
treasured up; thus precious or "fine gold" (1 Kings 6:20; 7:49).
(3.) Heb. paz, native or pure gold (Job 28:17; Ps. 19:10;
21:3, etc.).
(4.) Heb. betzer, "ore of gold or silver" as dug out of the
mine (Job 36:19, where it means simply riches).
(5.) Heb. kethem, i.e., something concealed or separated (Job
28:16,19; Ps. 45:9; Prov. 25:12). Rendered "golden wedge" in
Isa. 13:12.
(6.) Heb. haruts, i.e., dug out; poetic for gold (Prov. 8:10;
16:16; Zech. 9:3).
Gold was known from the earliest times (Gen. 2:11). It was
principally used for ornaments (Gen. 24:22). It was very
abundant (1 Chr. 22:14; Nah. 2:9; Dan. 3:1). Many tons of it
were used in connection with the temple (2 Chr. 1:15). It was
found in Arabia, Sheba, and Ophir (1 Kings 9:28; 10:1; Job
28:16), but not in Palestine.
In Dan. 2:38, the Babylonian Empire is spoken of as a "head of
gold" because of its great riches; and Babylon was called by
Isaiah (14:4) the "golden city" (R.V. marg., "exactress,"
adopting the reading _marhebah_, instead of the usual word
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
214 Moby Thesaurus words for "gold":
affluence, aluminum, americium, and pence, assets, aureate,
aureateness, auric, bar, barium, beige, beryllium, bismuth,
bottomless purse, brass, brassy, brazen, bronze, bronzy, buff,
buff-yellow, bulging purse, bullion, cadmium, calcium, canary,
canary-yellow, cash, cerium, cesium, chrome, chromium,
circulating medium, citron, citron-yellow, cobalt, coin gold,
coin silver, coinage, coined liberty, cold cash, copper, coppery,
cream, creamy, cupreous, cuprous, currency, dollars, dysprosium,
easy circumstances, ecru, embarras de richesses, emergency money,
erbium, europium, fallow, fallowness, ferrous, ferruginous,
filthy lucre, flaxen, fortune, fractional currency, gadolinium,
gallium, germanium, gilded, gilt, gold nugget, gold-colored,
gold-filled, gold-plated, golden, handsome fortune, hard cash,
hard currency, high income, high tax bracket, holmium,
independence, indium, ingot, iridium, iron, ironlike, lanthanum,
lead, leaden, legal tender, lemon, lemon-yellow, lithium, lucre,
luteolous, lutescent, lutetium, luxuriousness, magnesia, magnesium,
mammon, managed currency, manganese, material wealth,
medium of exchange, mercurial, mercurous, mercury, mintage,
molybdenum, money, money to burn, moneybags, necessity money,
neodymium, nickel, nickelic, nickeline, niobium, nugget, ocherish,
ocherous, ochery, ochreous, ochroid, ochrous, ochry, opulence,
opulency, or, osmium, palladium, pelf, pewter, pewtery, phosphorus,
platinum, polonium, possessions, postage currency, postal currency,
potassium, pounds, praseodymium, precious metals, primrose,
primrose-colored, primrose-yellow, promethium, property,
prosperity, prosperousness, protactinium, quicksilver, radium,
rhenium, riches, richness, rubidium, ruthenium, saffron,
saffron-colored, saffron-yellow, sallow, samarium, sand-colored,
sandy, scandium, scrip, shillings, silver, silver-plated, silvery,
six-figure income, sodium, soft currency, specie, steel, steely,
sterling, straw, straw-colored, strontium, substance, tantalum,
technetium, terbium, thallium, the almighty dollar, the wherewith,
the wherewithal, thulium, tin, tinny, titanium, treasure, tungsten,
upper bracket, uranium, vanadium, wealth, wealthiness, wolfram,
xanthic, xanthous, yellow, yellow stuff, yellowish, yellowishness,
yellowness, ytterbium, yttrium, zinc, zirconium
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